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Disposal of PPE

A way we can help the environment is to spread awareness about how to properly dispose the personal protective equipment that we use during the pandemic. Equipment such as face masks, face shields, etc... are now regularly used and is often segregated terribly, which prompted us to use this opportunity to raise awareness about it. Personal Protective Equipment has proven to be a more dangerous kind of garbage as it may contain infectious bacteria and possibly the virus that is going around as of today. We want to let people know that it is very important to dispose of PPE very carefully as no one wants to live in a place where it is unhealthy.

Our Mission

To take further action in finding ways to prevent the improper disposal of PPE, especially face masks and face shields which when left unmitigated, could cause a toll on the environment.

Our Vision

A clean and safe community where the citizens have cooperation and discipline, helping the environment and showing concern for it with visible and firm implementation of rules and regulations.

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